KCDC – Minutes of AGM held on 22/11/16 @ 19.00
Directors – I Moffett (chair), L Cruikshank, B Kinnaird, D Stewart, S Millar, A Bell, J Morse
Members – G Strang, A Schofield, P Schofield, J Moffett, P Rimell, C Hendry, S Strang, J Robertson, B Nield, C Bell, J Patchett, R Avery, T Ramage, W McCarthy, C McCarthy, C Cornfield
Accountant – P Graham of Peter Munro & Co
1. I Moffett welcomed the attendees to the 10th AGM of KCDC.
2. Apologies: A & J Dunn
3. Receive & approve minutes of 9th AGM held 26/11/15.
Minutes were accepted. Proposed by P Schofield & seconded by G Stran
4. Resolutions
A. To receive Chairman’s Report
IM reported that we have lost various directors – I Dyce has resigned & J Ballantyne has advised that he will not be standing for re-election. A Schofield, representative from KVCC was replaced last year by J Morse. D Grant is also not seeking re-election – he led the hydro project from the start and the heartfelt thanks to him for all his hard work is recorded. He is welcome back any time.
IM gave an update on the flood alleviation project(s). We are advised that the required agreements are being completed with the necessary work to be carried out thereafter.
Highland Council, as part of the Local Flood Risk Management Plan( Findhorn, Nairn and Speyside) for Kingussie, are planning to tender a further Flood Protection Study into the residual risk from the River Gynack to look at further protection measures. The aim is to have this out to tender in 2016 with consultants starting study work in 2017. This is anticipated to be a two year project which should result in a preferred, cost beneficial, solution.
B. To receive and adopt the Financial Report
LC gave a brief introduction then handed over to P Graham who gave a detailed report of the finances for the year, main points being:-
- The hydro scheme is generating electricity which is being sold to Kingussie Golf Club and the National Grid. This income covers ongoing running costs & has repaid trustees’ loans. Some income is being retained for repairs & maintenance.
- The previous grant of £18, 325 received by Cycle Friendly Kingussie from Cycling Scotland was mainly used to set up the CFK scheme; the carried forward balance of £4,200 has to be spent on CFK.
- As at August 2016, there is c.£6,900 left in the hydro fund for future costs.
- Details of income & expenditure.
- There are £1,320 unrestricted funds.
- There are £200k restricted funds but £188k of this is the cost of the hydro project.
- Trustees report was presented.
AB queried having the hydro scheme listed as an asset. PG explained that it is a way of recording how much was spent on the scheme – it will appear as the same figure in the accounts ad infinitum & not show depreciation.
LC thanked PG and asked if any members had questions but there were none.
LC confessed that he has not yet sent off the Gift Aid paperwork to HMRC but will do so.
The accounts were accepted – proposed by G Strang, seconded by D Grant.
C. To appoint Peter Munro & Co as Independent Accountant
Agreed – proposed by S Millar,seconded by B Kinnaird
D. To elect directors to the Board
LC, BK, AB & IM offered themselves for re-election and were accepted – proposed by B Nield, seconded by S Millar.
G Strang was appointed as director – proposed by A Schofield, seconded by W McCarthy.
E. To fix the annual subscription
IM suggested this remain at the current rate of £2. There were no objections.
Reports from directors:
Hydro – A Bell reported, making the following points:-
FIT payments –
- Last year there was a delay, caused by applications to OfGem, then further delay for Scottish Power, but payments were then backdated to 17/02/15.
- In the 1st year, total income was slightly more than predicted in the 2014 Business Plan. The amount of electricity generated, 45655kWh, was almost exactly in accordance with the Business Plan.
- 2016 was somewhat drier than 2015 so income is expected to be slightly less in the 2nd year, however to date we are only 500kWh lower than at the same time last year.
- Although operation started in Feb 2015, there was considerable work still to be completed in 2016, particularly landscaping & reinforcing the bank – this was done with a lorryload of soil & replanted with woodrush etc. The lowest terrace which was stripped of soil in 2015 spates has been turfed & the turf held down by a bolted mesh; hopefully it will survive this winter. All this work was carried out by volunteers- many thanks to Gilmour & Susan Strang. The project received a commendation in the recent CNPA Design Awards, for which we got a ‘plaque’.
- Commissioning of Clubhouse consumption monitoring, with proposed ways of increasing energy consumption.
- Automatic restart & shutdown has been installed, so no longer a need for daily visits.
Hydro operation
- Technically the system has performed as expected; the turbine has been very reliable & there have been no shutdowns as a result of equipment faults. Shutdowns have arisen from grid electrical disturbances (mainly lightning strikes), and for routine maintenance. Maintenance is mainly greasing bearings & checks – done by volunteers.
- Screen cleaning has to be done regularly, particularly in the last few weeks due to leaf fall.
- There have been no real issues with flooding, though some wear has been caused by rubble being carried downstream. The repairs done after Bertha are still OK.
Open Day
- On 14th May there was a group walk around Loch Gynack with visits to Pitmain’s 2 hydro plants & KCDC’s plant, followed by tea & cake in the Clubhouse & the showing of a video about KCDC scheme & info on the proposed Pitmain flood alleviation scheme.
IM thanked Ailsa for nominating the scheme for the CNPA award, and also thanked AB, GS & team for all their hard work.
IM reported that a lot of work has been done on the paths network, particularly the ones from the Golf Club down to the bridge. The main work undertaken was widening the path onto Ardbriolach Rd between the Scott & Ross properties. Thanks to the Scotts & the Ross’s & also to Gilmour.
Gynack woods have been improved – cleared & opened up to let light in & improve views. This has resulted in more wildlife and in the paths being used more. A lot of tourists are enjoying the paths network & The Cross is promoting the woodland to its guests.
Debris has been removed from the Gynack to improve flow.
Land acquisition
IM reported that Highland Council have agreed to sell the area below the tennis courts to KCDC for £1. Once the acquisition is finalised, the area will be incorporated into amenity land.
BK presented the cycling report, making the following points:-
- The continued success of the group this year has been as direct result of the active contributions made by individuals on the working group and the grant funding from Cycling Scotland in 2014. The underlying objective of the grant funding has been to support Cycling Scotland in developing a Cycle Friendly Community award. Kingussie achieved a bronze level award during this year and this is seen as an important step in trying to reduce barriers to encourage all sectors of our community to use bicycles more. Some of the highlights of the year included:
- Cycle Friendly Kingussie worked with a new charity partner: Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland to secure the continuation of one of Kingussie’s flag ship events; The Scottish Bikeathon and also provided a cycle themed gala in Ardvonie Park for the fourth year running.
- The group continued to provide regular themed evening ride out opportunities on a Tuesday and Friday as well as 3 maintenance evenings.
- A new web site has been developed and along with an active Face Book page these have been used to keep people informed about the activities of the group
- A route mapping initiative has been completed with the production of trail head information boards. The first one will be positioned outside the new Court House building.
- Investment has continued in training and assessing cycle leaders and maintenance mechanics.
- High Street cycle parking provision has been improved with cycle stands outside Service Sports and more recently permission has been given for a new cycle stand outside the Court House.
- The group is also supporting Kingussie High School to develop a new skills track facility.
Grants Available
IM stated that the hydro scheme has now been operating smoothly since Feb 2015. Initial revenue generated via Feed in Tariffs and sale of electricity to the Golf Club was directed towards covering the remainder of costs, applying finishing touches to landscaping and the turbine house, and establishing the necessary stock of spares & back-up materials. This phase is now all but complete, and revenues generated are being held in a Co-operative bank account, separate from the main KCDC account.
The intention, as agreed at a recent directors’ meeting, is to utilise the annual income (a) to build up a reserve to cover any extraordinary expenses, and (b) to invite applications from community organisations which will help promote activities for the benefit of the town of Kingussie.
Two levels of application will be considered:-
- Projects up to a value of £2,500. Application forms and guidance notes will be available on the KCDC website, along with the dates by which applications should be submitted, prior to the subsequent meeting of the Fund’s committee. This committee will comprise independent personnel from Voluntary Action Badenoch & Strathspey (VABS), as well as KCDC directors.
- Projects up to a value of £500. Applications for smaller amounts may be submitted outwith the guideline dates, and these discretionary applications will be dealt with at regular KCDC director meetings.
Only under exceptional circumstances would applications from the same organisation be successful when submitted within 2 years of each other.
IM thanked everyone for attending.
The meeting closed at 20.00
Next meeting of KCDC: TBA