Author name: Alistair Bell

Another good December for the Hydro

The Hydro generated 6074 kilowatt hours in December 2024. This is the 3rd highest monthly total since operations began. It was helped by the Pitmain Flood Alleviation scheme that smoothed out the effect of heavy rain showers and snow melt.

Repairs and improvements 2024

The level of the River Gynack at Kingussie can rise very quickly if there is heavy rain in hills behind. As well as potential flooding, this can result in large amounts of sediment including huge boulders being brought down. Following the damage caused by ex-hurricane Bertha in 2014, Pitmain Estate and Highland council initiated a

2022 – A good year for the Hydro

2022 was one of the best of the 8 years that the Hydro has been in operation. There were no mechanical or electrical breakdowns and almost 45000 kilowatt-hours were generated, which is exactly in line with the original business case. This is despite there being no generation during several weeks in the summer, power cuts

Record Hydro Output in November 2021

Following the repairs to the Coanda screen, November was a record month for electricity generation. 6718 kWh were produced, compared with the previous record of 6023 kWh in April 2015.

Repairs to Hydro – Update October 2021

September was also a relatively dry month and the electrical output generated was less than half of the average for that month. The improvement arising from the new Coanda screen could not be judged until wet weather returned at the end of the month. Rainy days have continued through October and the new screen sections

Repairs to Hydro – August 2021

The Coanda screen across the weir has now had 7 years of operation. In 2014 Hurricane Bertha caused some damage that was not obvious at the time by flattening some of the curved stainless steel plates at the top of the screen. This meant that some of the water spilled over the weir without going

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