
Path network – 5 Year Plan

KCDC’s 5 Year Plan for the path network in and around Kingussie has been updated and can be viewed at Five Year Path Plan. As ever, comments and suggestions are welcomed…

A hill party of a different kind!

The work to renew and repair the core path on Kingussie’s local hill was celebrated on 19 April 2024.  Volunteers from Kingussie Community Development Company’s Paths Group were joined by supporters, family, friends, and visitors on Creag Bheag. A hardy bunch of 30 walked the new path to the summit to cut a ceremonial ribbon

Connecting Kingussie Refresh Report

Background In 2019 AECOM Limited produced a report which included an outline design for improvements to the active travel network in Kingussie on behalf of Cycle Friends Kingussie. This year the Cairngorm National Park Authority requested AECOM Limited to produce an update to that report to “inform and unify the forward planning of community groups

Creag Bheag – joins the old with the new

This week the new path joined with the old path that leads up to the summit cairn. This prompted a wee celebration with some Prosseco – kindly supplied by Kenny Deans. There’s still some fine tuning to do on the new section of path and landscaping to be completed on the redundant parts of the

Creag Bheag path works

Since the helicopter lift of 100 tons of quarry dust up Creag Bheag on 19 May 2023 volunteers have completed the first two phases of path work across the summit – finishing on 20 July, several weeks ahead of schedule. Phases 1 & 2 complete Twenty seven volunteers have spent over 360 hours working on

Helicopter bag drop on Creag Bheag

Further to our post on 13 May 2023 regarding the helicopter lift of materials for the path on Creag Bheag, we have a gallery of videos and pictures to give a highlight of just what was achieved on the day. Skyhook Helicopters provided a super service and managed to drop all 99 bags in the

Unexpected item in the bagging area!

Well, not quite… but that’s 99 bags of gravel filled and ready to go for Friday. Many thanks to Pitmain Estate for providing the digger and resources to fill the bags and also to Sandy for coming up with the wooden frames to make the task easier. Bring on the helicopter!

October paths update

The Thursday paths group of volunteers have had a busy summer working on three areas around Kingussie. Ardbriolach Road path In mid-May we started on the new path alongside Ardbriolach Road. This connects the Gynack Mill Trail with the path system in the Tom Baraidh woods. The land was purchased, and path material bought with

KCDC’s Path Group award

I’m delighted to report that Scotland’s national walking charity, Paths for All, has recognised KCDC’s Path Group as Community Path Group of the Year at the Volunteer Awards 2022! Check out the video below which describes the work that the path group undertakes. Paths for All Award Ceremony The award ceremony took place this week

Autumn woodland work-party – update

The first weekend volunteer group made the most of the August fine weather and got cracking with management tasks in the Community Woodland.  Five volunteers spent the morning cutting back overhanging branches and rank vegetation alongside Gynack Road to improve access for walkers and cyclists along the roadside.  The team started work controlling the non-native

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