Get involved

You can get involved with KCDC in many ways.

Become a member

Membership is available to anyone residing within the Kingussie and Vicinity Community Council area and is currently £2 per year.

Becoming a member entitles you to attend and vote at the KCDC Annual General Meeting. As a member, you can also stand for election as a director and help shape the strategy and plans of the organisation.

The annual subscription (and any additional donation) helps to defray the running costs of the organisation.

Become a volunteer

KCDC is entirely run and managed by volunteers from the Kingussie area. We have regular work parties of volunteers to repair paths, and other community projects and new volunteers are always welcome.


Not everyone is able to volunteer to to take part in KCDC activities but, if you are able, you can help KCDC by donating money to help further the aims of the organisation. Community funding is essential to help us carry out the various projects that KCDC are involved in.

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