A hill party of a different kind!

The work to renew and repair the core path on Kingussie’s local hill was celebrated on 19 April 2024.  Volunteers from Kingussie Community Development Company’s Paths Group were joined by supporters, family, friends, and visitors on Creag Bheag. A hardy bunch of 30 walked the new path to the summit to cut a ceremonial ribbon […]

Gynack Gardens video

Sustrans have just released an excellent video showcasing Gynack Gardens and highlighting the benefits delivered by the redevelopment of the gardens. The project to redevelop the gardens was initiated by Cycle Friendly Kingussie as a KCDC project and subsequently funded by Places for Everyone. The Sustrans video highlights that Gynack Gardens is now “a new

Spey Street Junction – update

KCDC and The Highland Council can confirm that the proposed improvements to the Spey Street Junction project (which were due to start in January) now have a firm start date of the 4th March 2024. The project, born from a Cycle Friendly Kingussie initiative in 2019, will see safer routes with pavements from the High

Draft Accounts Year ended 31/8/2023

Further to last night’s well attended AGM, the Draft Accounts for the year ended 31/8/2023 have been posted to the website as follows: The Accounts will be updated in due course once authorised by the appropriate officers and submitted to OSCR and Companies House.

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, 6th December 2023 at 7pm Craig Bheag Suite, The Duke of Gordon Hotel, Kingussie Agenda Welcome Apologies Receive and approve Minutes of the 16th Annual General Meeting Resolutions To receive the Chairman’s report To receive and adopt the Financial Report To Appoint Goldwells as the Independent Accountant To fix the annual subscription To receive reports

Connecting Kingussie Refresh Report

Background In 2019 AECOM Limited produced a report which included an outline design for improvements to the active travel network in Kingussie on behalf of Cycle Friends Kingussie. This year the Cairngorm National Park Authority requested AECOM Limited to produce an update to that report to “inform and unify the forward planning of community groups

Creag Bheag – joins the old with the new

This week the new path joined with the old path that leads up to the summit cairn. This prompted a wee celebration with some Prosseco – kindly supplied by Kenny Deans. There’s still some fine tuning to do on the new section of path and landscaping to be completed on the redundant parts of the

Hydro Fund support for Warm Spaces Project

In December 2022, the Hydro Fund provided £3,000 to a project to provide warm jackets and winter shoes to local schoolchildren in need. The project forms part of the Warm Spaces Project run by Eppy Mackay at Kingussie Parish Church. Eppy arranged a discount from Mountain Warehouse in Aviemore and the beneficiaries were selected by

Creag Bheag path works

Since the helicopter lift of 100 tons of quarry dust up Creag Bheag on 19 May 2023 volunteers have completed the first two phases of path work across the summit – finishing on 20 July, several weeks ahead of schedule. Phases 1 & 2 complete Twenty seven volunteers have spent over 360 hours working on

Helicopter bag drop on Creag Bheag

Further to our post on 13 May 2023 regarding the helicopter lift of materials for the path on Creag Bheag, we have a gallery of videos and pictures to give a highlight of just what was achieved on the day. Skyhook Helicopters provided a super service and managed to drop all 99 bags in the

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