Notice of AGM

Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, 1 December 2021 at 7 pm

Talla Nan Ròs, King Street, Kingussie


  1. Apologies.
  2. Minutes of the 15th AGM (24 March 2021).
  3. Chairman’s Report (this will be an edited transcript of the meeting).
  4. To receive and if approved, adopt the Financial Report.
  5. To appoint Goldwells as the independent Accountant.
  6. To elect and co-opt Directors:
    1. the elected directors, Alistair Bell, Len Cruickshank and Eileen Stuart are due to retire on rotation and all have agreed to stand for election again; and
    2. the co-opted directors, Sandy Maxwell, Catriona Morrison and Gus Mitchell are all due to stand down at the AGM but have agreed to be co-opted to serve again.
  7. To fix the annual subscription – currently £2.
  8. Reports:
    1. Hydro Fund;
    2. Gardens Project;
    3. Spey street /Ruthven Road (redesign cycle track from Newtonmore);
    4. Paths;
    5. Cycle Friendly Kingussie;
    6. Proposed Land Purchase; and
    7. Articles of Association.
  9. AOCB.
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