In June we continued with the work on the Creag Bheag path – re-building, and in some instances, re-routing the path to try to avoid persistently muddy areas.
This effort was matched with fine weather and again aided by willing hands from the KHS Rural Skills students. The target was always to join the new path with the existing gate to the woods and this milestone was achieved on Thursday this week (1 July).
This momentous occasion was celebrated with a modest “refreshment” (courtesy of Andy Dunn) which was very much appreciated by the remaining tired labourers.

Next week we return to the Golf Course Circular path.
Pitmain Estate have worked with KCDC to improve the path from the top of the golf course to the gate near Loch Gynack and the next task is to create a new path to connect with the “four-ways” junction and avoid “the muddy bit”.
Onwards and upwards!