Following the recent storms KCDC have been liaising with Pitmain Estate (as the major woodland landowner) regarding the storm damage to the woods and the health and safety aspects for those using the woods.
Pitmain Estate have engaged a forestry consultant to provide an overall assessments of the damage and to establish a plan to make the woodland safe.
It is clear that the damage to the woodland is much more significant than first thought. Many areas are considered dangerous with weakened or “hanging” trees presenting a continuing risk.
Pitmain Estate will address these risks but they will have to bring in professional skills and contractors to help them with this – which will take time.
In the meantime, the Estate plan to limit access to those parts of the woods that present the greatest risk and will place warning signs in prominent places to alert dog walkers and other users of the woods about the health and safety risks from falling trees.
KCDC are fully supportive of the Estate’s plan and urge everyone to respect the guidance that will be provided.
We recognise that this will be a disruption to many people’s normal routines but your health and safety is paramount and, by respecting the activities of the Estate, we will hopefully be able to restore the many footpaths that we enjoy.