Kingussie Community Woodland is owned and managed by KCDC.

In 2012 Davall Developments gifted the section of woodland along both banks of the River Gynack reaching from just below the Golf Course to the bridge at The Cross Restaurant.  

Ownership of a further woodland area behind the tennis courts was given to KCDC by Highland Council in 2017.  The area of the Gynack is part of the River Spey Special Area of Conservation.

The woods are home to a great variety of birds e.g. robin, chaffinch, blackbird, tree creeper, coal tit, great tit, blue tit, wren, willow warbler and if you listen closely you might be lucky enough to hear a greater spotted woodpecker.  Other visitors include moths, butterflies, bats and red squirrels and roe deer may also be seen.  

The woods are also home to a wide variety of plant species including dog’s mercury (an indicator of ancient woodland), wood anemone, pignut and wood avens.

Trees in the woods include hazel, hawthorn, birch, alder, sycamore, bird cherry, larch, Douglas fir, oak, Scots pine and aspen.  KCDC have planted variety of saplings including hawthorn, willow, apple and holly.

Woodland management to date has been “light touch” and includes fence repairs, regular litter picking, removal of tree debris from paths, clearing the bridges of leaves and allowing dead wood to remain standing where possible.  Some steps have been taken to remove non native species e.g. sycamore and snowberry but more extensive work is required. Encouragement is also given to local householders not to dispose of cultivated garden plants in the woodland.

The Kingussie Vicinity Community Council have placed a bench beside “Stevenson’s look out,” by the river, where the remains of a dam and lade, associated with the former mill, are still visible.

KCDC have also positioned two all-abilities picnic benches in the clearing overlooking the river and the hydro dam which are enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.  From the bridges there are impressive views over river gorges and waterfalls. Information boards, in the woods, provide a historical and woodland context.

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