2009 AGM Minute

Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2nd February 2010 – Silverfjord Hotel

Present:- Directors – Len Cruickshank (Chair), Donnie Grant, Andy Dunn, Amanda Calvert, Dick Webster, Iain Dyce. Members – Tom Prescott, John Patchett, Bill Smith, Mrs. W. Smith, Peter Sleaford, Zandra Sinclair, Jen Dunn, Ernest Emmett, Helen Graham 

Apologies:- Richard Sweetman, Alan Davidson, Val Emmett, Karen Craig, Gregor Rimmell, Ailsa Schofield, Gwynneth Wright, Jennifer Anderson, Tom Davy, Judith Smith, Moira Webster, Alison Shaw, Anne Cruickshank, Jan Grant, Lesley Dyce. 

  1. Welcome – Chairman Len Cruickshank (LC) welcomed everyone to the 3d AGM of KCDC.
  1. Minutes of the previous AGM of December 4th 2008 were accepted as accurate. Proposed J.Dunn, seconded J.Patchett.
  1. Matters Arising –
    1. Footbridge reopening was welcomed.
    2. Website has been partially updated.
    3. Energy training day took place. 
  1. Chairman’s report – LC reported good progress. He intimated that important items such as paths and energy, would be dealt with by the directors responsible. The key achievements were seen as the completion of the bridge replacement and of the Gynack Interpretive trail. These were opened and celebrated on Kingussie’s Homecoming Day. The Chairman hoped that these had been welcomed by the townspeople. 

The chairman thanked financial contributions from Glenmore Lodge, Leader, Highland Council, Cairngorm National Park, Community Action for Energy and the Community Energy Fund.          

A special thanks was given to retiring director Alan Hunt, the man chiefly responsible for pushing forward the Birchwood Trail and to Ken Reid on his retrial from the position of Community Council Representative.            

A welcome would be given to a new CC Rep.       

  1. Treasurers Report – LC referred to his report. (Appendix 1). He was happy to take questions relating to details. The acceptance of the report was proposed by John Patchett and seconded by Tom Prescott.
  1. Appointment of Accountant – Appreciation of the work of PeterMunro &Co. was expressed and the re-appointment was accepted. (prop. P. Sleaford, sec. J. Patchett).
  1. Appointment of Directors – Thepresent directors will continue in position.
  1. Subscriptions 2009-2010 – After some discussion it was agreed that the subs. would continue at £2 per person with donations encouraged.
  1. Project Reports

Renewable Energy – Donnie Grant introduced the report with a history of the proposals for the mini hydro scheme at Strath Lynn. He expressed the hope that a new proposal for a 19 kw. station would be successful. The cost of installation was envisaged as £140,000 with a net income annually of £10,000. Full survey funding of £1,000 was to be met by Scottish Community Foundation.

CES have welcomed the proposal citing accessibility and educational potential as particular strengths. DG suggested sources for funding would include Leader and S&S Energy. Also discussed was the possibility of renewable energy products in community buildings, e.g. golf club and Talla Nan Ros. Energy efficiency was also discussed as intimated in the Renewable Energy Groups full report. (Appendix 2).E. Emmett informed the meeting that the Iona Gallery Committee were looking into using an air sourced heat pump for that building.       

Footpaths – Andy Dunn referred comprehensibly to the Footpath Groups Report (Appendix 3). There was considerable discussion over COAT’sintention to charge £1 for a footpath leaflet. Various problems were foreseen with this arrangement.      

Biodiversity – Ian Dyce gave an account of actions to be taken to improve the Birch/hazel Wood – the removal of sycamore; the encouragement of native species and the erection of bat and bird boxes. A focus for this would be the Biodiversity Day on 22nd May 2010. Tom Prescott has volunteered to demonstrate the use of moth traps on that evening.     

Community Woodland – Amanda Calvert reported that the proposals for safe cycling areas and a forest school were at an early stage. (There is in Kingussie a qualified Forest School leader).There could be the encouragement of various courses relating to woodland activities. Management of Tom Baraidh would be necessary. LC stressed that encouraging contact had been made with the landowners.      

Appendix 1 

Draft Profit and Loss Account for the Year Ended 31 August 2009         

Other Income
H I E start up grant1,000
Scottish Community Foundation734
Sundry Receipts113
HMRC online filing award100
Donations and contributions35037
Bank Interest Received3258
Meeting room hire51124
Insurance 227191
Stationery and administration1043
Footpath construction36,044
Sundry expenses372104
Community foundation costs734
Legal fees10189

Appendix 2  


In 2009 a R.E. sub group was formed with Donnie Grant as Convenor, supported by Bill McCarthy, Malcolm Thain and Bob Stirling. The group met 3 times between June and November and discussed the options available to the Company.


Discussions with Pitmain Estate confirmed that they were likely to install a hydro scheme above Pitmain Lodge, diverting excess water into Loch Gynack and then through a controlled outlet to a turbine and back into the river. Draft surveys have been completed, with a final decision likely in Summer 2010.

This would also control the flooding downstream, thus making a community mini hydro below Strathlynn a viable project especially with the increased tariffs available from 2010. A short survey in Oct. 2009 confirmed this and we now have funding available to complete a full survey on an Archimedean Screw System in Spring 2010.


During 2010 it is hoped to have the ability to carry out energy efficiency reports on domestic properties while also providing advice and assistance to carry out measures to reduce the carbon footprint of the community. We are looking at similar schemes currently operating in other communities.


We are actively working with community groups like the Golf Club, Shinty Club and Talla nan Ros on installing RE products, including solar panels and woodfuel heating in their premises and we hope to influence Highland council to use RE sources if and when Kingussie Courthouse is renovated.

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