2010 AGM Minute

Minutes of Annual General Meeting 12th January 2011 – Silverfjord Hotel

Present:- Directors – Len Cruickshank (Chair), Donnie Grant, Andy Dunn, Amanda Calvert, Dick Webster, Alan Davidson(Community Council). 

Members – David Adamson, Jane Adamson, Len Brazier, Jen Dunn, Ernest Emmett, Val Emmett, Morton Fraser, Joanna Gilliatt, Bob Kinnaird, Jon Longstaff, Sulekha Millar, John Patchett, Ailsa Schofield, Dave Stewart, Katie Summers, Duncan Wink 

Apologies: Jennifer Anderson, Marian Coyne, Karen Craig, Anne Cruickshank , Helen and John Dorn, Alan Hunt, Iain Dyce, Jan Grant, Ross Grant, Josef Leestmans, Bill Longstaff, John McPherson, Ian Moffat, Ray Morris , Bobby Nield ,Gregor Rimmell, Alison Shaw, Zandra Sinclair, Susan and Gilmour Strang, Richard Sweetman, Liz Taylor Malcolm Thain.  

  1. Welcome – Chairman Len Cruickshank (LC) welcomed everyone to the 5th AGM of KCDC.
  1. Minutes of the previous AGM of February 2nd 20010 were accepted as accurate. Proposed: E Emmett. Seconded: J. Dunn,

3.  Matters Arising – D Webster was asked about the KCDC website. He    reported that progress was being made with KCDC`s “spanglefish “ site and that it was already a significant improvement on the previous site.   

4. Chairman’s report – Len Cruickshank reported that good progress was being made. He intimated that individual directors had specific lead responsibilities within KCDC and that important items such as paths, energy and biodiversity would be dealt with by the directors responsible. The key achievements of the previous year were seen as the expansion of the footpaths network, the considerable progress in the Hydro project and the increased focus on biodiversity particularly around the Gynack trail.

The chairman acknowledged with grateful thanks the funding contributions from Leader, Highland Council, Cairngorm National Park, Community Action for Energy and Community Energy Scotland.                        A welcome was accorded to Alan Davidson, KCDC`s Community Council representative. LC indicated that he was hopeful that a solution to the problem of a shortage of Directors was imminent.  (Full Chairman’s Report- Appendix 1)       

  1. Treasurer`s Report – LC referred to his report. (Appendix 2) He was happy to take questions relating to details. The acceptance of the report was proposed by Duncan Wink and seconded by Len Brazier.
  1. Appointment of P. Munro & Co as the Independent Accountant – This proposal was gratefully accepted (prop. D. Wink, sec. J. Patchett).
  1. Appointment of Directors – L.C intimated his willingness to continue as Treasurer whilst relinquishing the position of Chair owing to his considerable demands as the new captain of Kingussie Golf Club. Donnie Grant was willing to take on the role of chairman, and Dick Webster to continue as Secretary. Ian Moffat was accepted as a director and there was the likelihood of Sulekha Millar and Dave Stewart shortly being co opted as Directors. These measures were accepted by the meeting.

Proposed- Bob Kinnaird. Seconded- Len Brazier

  1. Subscriptions 2009-2010 – After a short discussion it was agreed that the subs. would continue at £2 per person with donations encouraged.

Proposed Bob Kinnaird. Seconded John Patchett

  1. Project Reports

Strathlynn Hydro – Donnie Grant told the meeting of the very welcome news of LEADER 2`s funding of £93000 + for the project. This money was to be match funded. It was undoubtedly a great boost. DG indicated too, the very hopeful situation in respect of the application to the Postcode lottery “Dream Fund”. A decision on whether the bid for £65 000 will be successful, is to be made in Edinburgh on the 31st of this month .The bid has reached the stage of being one of only two remaining in the Sustainability category..There were other ongoing applications for funding but success in the Dream Fund would take us very close to our target.DG told the meeting of the granting of an Abstraction Licence from SEPA, of the satisfaction of Spey Fisheries with the Archimedean Screw design for the turbine and the current satisfactory state of the planning application.            In answer to questions DG told the meeting more about the Archimedes Screw system and reassured the meeting about there being only one fee, already paid, to meet SEPA`s granting of the Abstraction Licence.Hopefully we would soon be in the position of taking in monies to be granted to community projects. This requires the setting up of a Trading Arm if the benefit to the community is to be maximised.It was suggested that in the event of a shortfall in capital for the scheme that there are various community loan schemes available.Donnie was congratulated from the Chair for his sterling work and this sentiment was heartily endorsed by the meeting.     

Footpaths – Andy Dunn referred comprehensibly to the Footpath Groups Report (Appendix 3). Covering a broad range of aspects of path development, Andy made particular reference to the relationship of KCDC to the Cairngorm Outdoor Access Trust,(COAT)and project Officer, Ewan Thain. The meeting agreed with the Chairman`s contention that recent years had seen a terrific improvement in the path network around Kingussie.

Biodiversity – In the absence ofIan Dyce through illness, Amanda Calvert gave a broad outline of work completed and activity still to be undertaken. Amanda spoke of the felling of alien sycamores to allow increased light levels and of developments to increase the presence of oak, holly, aspen and associated species. The survey associated with the Hydro development was referred to and it is hoped that on that scheme`s completion there will be established interpretation boards illustrating the riparian woodland`s biodiversity. There was a short discussion regarding the abundance and habitats of locally frequent red squirrels. Some concern was expressed from the floor regarding the lack of intimation to local residents of the felling programme and it was agreed this should have been better handled. There was a suggestion as to the desirability of nature walks for youngsters and AD told the meeting that there were plans for Countryside Ranger, Duncan Macdonald to carry out such an event in February.

AOCB – Val Emmett of the Community Council suggested the development of an interpretive trail for the town and indicated the presence of funding for boards particularly where the Gaelic language would have a role.

In the absence of any more business the meeting was concluded.

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