2011 AGM Minute

Minutes of Annual General Meeting
22nd November  2011 – Talla nan Ros

Present:- Directors – Amanda Calvert,  Len Cruickshank, Donnie Grant(Chair), Andy Dunn, Iain Dyce, Sulekha Millar, Ian Moffat,  Dave Stewart, Dick Webster

Members – David Adamson, Jane Adamson, Jim Ballantyne, Lois Ballantyne, Alastair Bell, Len Brazier, Marian Coyne, Davie Duncan, Jo Fraser, Morton Fraser, Helen Graham, Deirdre Kramer, Mike Kramer, Bob Kinnaird, Jozef Leestmans, Bill Longstaff, Jon Longstaff, Iona Malcolm, Fraser Nicol, Tom Prescott, Gregor Rimmell, Hanas Schnell, Ailsa Schofield, Katie Summers.
Apologies: Anne Cruickshank, Jen Dunn, Ernest Emmett, Val Emmett, Jan Grant, Ross Grant, Miriam Longstaff, Norma Macdonald Noreen Mallia, Jinty Moffatt , John Patchett, Alison Shaw Jim Shearer, Zandra Sinclair, Susan and Gilmour Strang, Liz Taylor, Duncan Wink..

1. Welcome – Chairman Donnie Grant (DG) welcomed everyone to the 6th AGM of KCDC.

2. Minutes of the previous AGM of 12th January  2011  were accepted as accurate.  Proposed: M Kramer.  Seconded:  L Brazier.

3. Matters Arising – There were no matters arising.

4. Directors` Reports    

Woodlands and Biodiversity – Iain Dyce

This Spring, a further Interpretive Panel was erected in the Birchwoods highlighting the wide range of biodiversity that can be found in the wood. The panel also incorporates a “To Do” list which includes a management plan that we are working towards. KCDC are very grateful to Cairngorms Biodiversity Action Plan and Scottish National Heritage for their funding towards this Project
Earlier this year we were promised the woodlands on both sides of the River Gynack by Davall Developments from roughly the lower end of the Golf Course car park to, and including, the new bridge at the Cross Restaurant as part of their “Planning gain”for their future developments on Acres Fields and to complete the ownership of the woodlands we have approached Highland Council to have the square area below the Tennis Courts transferred to KCDC, both have yet to be fully concluded.

There were no questions from the floor

Hydro Project – Donnie Grant

Though one of our original projects it has experienced more high’s and low’s than the River Gynack itself ! Early in 2011 we had 90% of the Funding in place and full planning permission was received on April 1st !!  However things went downhill after this with the Civil Engineering Tenders well above the estimated costs and then in July Ofgem and the U.K.government decided we could not have both Public funding and also claim Feed in Tariffs so we had lost our major funder, £89k from Leader Cairngorm. After much discussion it was agreed that we should continue to explore other avenues of funding and possible ways of reducing the Civil Engineering costs, this is ongoing.
Donnie added that the development of Pitmain Estate`s Hydro scheme could have benefits for KCDC`s scheme.

Discussion  Bob Kinnaird asked the total capital required for the project. Donnie told the meeting this was of the order of £210 000. Alastair Bell asked if  any grant of EU money required special tendering conditions and was told no. Davie Duncan asked if an energy utility might develop the scheme. There had been links with Scottish hydro and whilst this might be a way ahead it was thought that any such arrangement, if possible, would decrease the size of the community benefit.

Website – Dave Stewart

The KCDC website at www.kcdc.co.uk has been upgraded this year with an expanded content which can keep you updated on all our Projects, minutes of meetings and other news, we would however welcome your input either through Feedback or Guestbook, we also have links to other local websites, we look forward to receiving your comments.

Discussion Dave asked that members suggestions for improvements be sent via the website and he would try to act on these.

Footpaths – Andy Dunn

Strathlynn Bridge is to be replaced soon as the existing bridge is becoming unsafe, various stages of design and planning have been completed, the new bridge will be about 10 metres upstream from the existing bridge.Work will begin shortly on the construction of the piers and it is hoped the new bridge will be in place by April 2012
Signage and Icons are to be replaced soon on the Local paths network to make it consistent with the rest of the CNPA area. Discussion has taken place about the designs and these have now been approved

We continue to be very fortunate to have the support of COAT and their Project Officer, Ewan Thain. Through them some excellent improvements have been made to the Creag Bheag  path on the south side of the hill, by trainee pathworkers. The same group also did some much needed work on the Golf Course Circular and are presently working on a section of the path in Banchor estate linking the Loch Gynack path with the new bridges over the Allt Laraidh thus creating a very attractive route between Kingussie and Newtonmore. Recent visitors to Kingussie from the Lomond and Trossachs National Park were very impressed by the work done in this area by COAT
We are also very grateful to the Community Service group who improved a section of the path in Tombaraidh woods and are currently working on Witches hill path and the entrance from Middle Terrace towards Creag Bheag
A Grant was also received from Paths for All to purchase tools for light maintenance work on the Paths network and also to purchase Quarrydust for paths resurfacing

The route to Raitts is proving very popular and some discussion is presently taking place about the possibility of making a return route from Raitts along the B9152, thereby creating an attractive circular route which would also serve as a pedestrian link between Lynchat and Kingussie

The local Walking to Health Group is part of a COAT initiative which is implementing a Scottish Government strategy. Their aim is to encourage members of the Community who would like to become a little more active with consequent health benefits, to take part in an easy local walk, lasting about 30 to 40 minutes, followed by a cup of coffee in a local café. Walk leaders Anne Cruickshank, Jen Dunn and Alan Simpson would be happy to welcome anyone interested in joining the group, they meet at 10am every Thursday in the Badenoch Centre before setting out

In other activities some members of the Footpaths Group helped with work to create a pond in the grounds of the Primary School and it is envisaged that the Footpath Group will be part of the discussion with the Community Council about the possible creation of a Town Trail.

Discussion  Andy summed up by suggesting possible developments of the path network. He displayed to the meeting an example of the improved signs that were to be used throughout the National Park. His proposal of a day to highlight the opening of the Strathlynn Bridge, and other improvements of the path between Newtonmore and Kingussie, was welcomed by the meeting. The suggested dates were either Sunday 25th March or Sunday 1st April 2012.

5. Treasurer`s Report – Len referred to his report.  (attached) . he gave a particular mention to the considerable assistance from Peter Graham. He was happy to take questions relating to details.  The acceptance of the report was proposed by Fraser Nicol and seconded by Len Brazier.

6. Appointment of P. Munro & Co as the Independent Accountant – This proposal was gratefully accepted. (prop. Ailsa Schofield, sec. Bob Kinnaird).

7. Appointment of Directors – Donnie intimated the stepping down of  3 of the directors, viz. ,Len Cruickshank, Andy Dunn and Dick Webster. Andy was immediately accepted in his wish to take up a second term .

8. Subscriptions 2011 –2012 After a short discussion it was agreed that the subs. would continue at £2 per person with donations encouraged.
Proposed Iona Malcolm. Seconded Ailsa Schofield.

9.  Future Action Donnie intimated that KCDC would go ahead with the final stages of the purchase of the Gynack banks from roughly the Golf Club car park down to the new bridge at the Cross.
The proposal that KCDC look further into the acquisition of the Tombaraidh Woods was discussed. Amanda Calvert gave an indication of how these woods might be used by the community, eg a forest school project, proper cycle facilities. It had been pointed out that one of the current problems was that some irresponsible use was being made of the tracks, which were consequently being damaged.

10. AOCB  There was no further business. Andy Dunn led the meeting in thanking the Chairman and the meeting closed at 8.30pm.

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