2015 AGM Minute

Minutes of EGM and AGM held on 26/11/15


Directors: D. Grant (Chair), L. Cruickshank, B. Kinnaird, J. Ballantyne, J. Schofield, D. Stewart, S. Millar.

Members: A. Dunn, J.Pickering, J. Robertson, J. MacPherson, D,. Webster, S. Strang, G. Strang, Z. Sinclair, J. Grant, A. Cruickshank, P. Schofield, L. Ballantyne, W.McCarthy, C.McCarthy, J.Fraser.

Accountant: P. Graham.


D. Grant welcomed the attendees and explained the purpose the EGM which is to amend the articles of KCDC on page 11 of article 37/4. This is to be changed to read:simply:

“ a retiring Director shall be eligible for re-election”

The motion was put to a vote and passed unanimously.


  1. Welcome:  D. Grant again welcomed the attendees to the 9th AGM of KCDC

2.   Apologies: I. Moffett, J. Moffett, J. Dunn, R. Ormiston, I. Dyce, A. Bell.

3.   Receive and Approve Minutes of 8th AGM held on 25/11 2014.

Minutes were accepted. Proposed by G. Strang and seconded by P. Schofield.

4.   Resolutions

  1. To Receive Chairman’s Report

DG deputising for IM reported that it had been a busy year for KCDC. The major project was the  completion of the Hydro project. DG expressed thanks to the board of directors and volunteers for this. DG explained that former director A. Calvert had moved from the area and has now retired from KCDC. Her expertise and work on biodiversity and woodlands will be greatly missed. DG also noted appreciation for the efforts of G Strang for his help in the woodlands and hydro.

B.    To receive and adopt the Financial Report.

LC reported that up to this point there had been two treasurers: SM for the main KCDC accounts and LC for the hydro.P Graham had the task of collating the two accounts. LC will now look after both areas.

B.    To receive and adopt the Financial Report (continued)

P. Graham then gave a detailed report of the finances for the year and noted the following points while indicating the accounts were still to be finalised:

  • new income from electricity sales of £5,815
  • a grant of £18,325 from Cycling Scotland
  • grants from People’s Postcode Lottery, Highland Council, CNPA, Energy Saving Trust
  • cost of hydro scheme construction £188,236
  • hydro generation from 15th to end of August 25,300 kwH
  • Total income (including grants): £49,812
  • Expenditure: £7.832
  • Net Income: £41,980

DG thanked PG for his work on the accounts which were then accepted.

Proposed by P. Schofield, seconded by J. Robertson

C.  To Appoint Peter Munro & Co as Independent Accountant

Agreed. Proposed by G. Strang and Seconded by S. Millar

D. To elect Directors to the Board

DG asked for nominations and explained that S. Millar, D. Stewart and A. Calvert were retiring but were eligible for re-election if they so wished.

SM and DS were re-elected to the Board.

Proposed by P. Schofield, Seconded by J. Grant

E. To fix the annual subscription

DG suggested it remain at the current £2 with members able to donate further if they wished

Agreed. Proposed by S. Millar and seconded by G. Strang

Reports From Directors:

Hydro: DG read out a report submitted by A. Bell making the following points:

  • official opening on 16th December 2014
  • final tests by SSE in February 2015
  • start of generation on 15th February 2015
  • various technical issues resolved although remote monitoring not available until end September 2015 and therefore requiring daily visits for checking the system
  • an unresolved issue in trips to the system possibly due to grid disturbance requiring manual reset
  • loss of 5 days generation due to low water and 5 days of precautionary shutdown
  • sediment in turbine outlet disappeared by end of September although some has reappeared leading to 5% loss in power but expected to disappear again
  • landscaping work done by contractors in April and all further work by KCDC volunteers with further work required to soften the appearance


  • to date 31,819 kwH generated giving an income of £7,724, each 4000 kilowatt hour equating to £1000 of income
  • projected income is in line with expectations
  • still awaiting OFGEM final accreditation before income is released but hoped this will be soon
  • maintenance work required on cleaning coanda screen

With regard to the hydro LC explained that no income money exists but income should be generated by next Spring. Directors loans will be paid off first and KCDC is currently taking advice on procedures for taking applications from community groups for small amounts of grant. It is hoped that this will be in operation in 2016.

Gynack Woodlands

A.Dunn submitted a report on behalf of I. Dyce making the following points:

  • some dangerous windblown trees from upriver have been made safe to avoid potential problems for the town’s bridges
  • thanks to CNPA and Highland Council Ward Discretionary Fund for funding to complete this work
  • further removal of non-native sycamores on both sides of the river allowing more light into the woodland
  • thanks to G Strang for the time he has dedicated to this work
  • hazel coppicing carried out 3 years ago appears to have been successful with shoots coming away well despite some browsing by roe deer and will increase biodiversity in the woodland
  • a similar exercise is to be carried out in the next few weeks in the area next to the hydro scheme on the east bank upstream of the footbridge


A.Dunn presented the paths making the following points:

  • paths network now extensive and the envy of other communities
  • more volunteer help will be required to look at the paths and to keep an eye on maintenance requirements such as erosion
  • realignment of the Curlew Trail at west end of Loch Gynack has been completed by Pitman to KCDC specifications
  • bridge over Allt Laraidh needs to be replaced
  • volunteers required to maintain paths below Creag Bheag
  • Community Service to be asked to drain boggy area from the caravan site to the woods and to improve the exit on the Jubilee Path to the Dell
  • negotiations are ongoing with A9 Dualling Group to provide a safe route for pedestrians and cyclists from the souterrain and Lynchat to Kingussie
  • as part of the A9 dualling to keep the path joining the Wade road on one side of the A9 via Knappach and also to provide a circular route via Ralia and Newtonmore
  • extensions to path network could include taking over woodland area between the hydro and white gates at Pitmain, an area of ground below tennis courts and an area to connect West Terrace with Middle Terrace via woodlands above West Terrace

With regard to West Terrace DG explained that negotiations are in progress with Duval Developments with some potential difficulties still to be resolved with no immediate plans.

Flood Alleviation

LC reported that this is something KCDC are keeping an eye on although it is part of the Pitmain hydro scheme in co-operation with Highland Council. It will entail diverting flood waters into Loch Gynack and controlling the flow from there with an estimated 15-20% knock back of flow. The golf course is also to play its part by maintaining its banks and removing tree debris. The scheme should benefit Kingussie hydro by levelling off flow.


BK presented the cycling report making the following points:

  • following an open community meeting to look at developing cycling in Kingussie and Badenoch in November 2013 a sub group of KCDC for cycling was formed
  • last year Kingussie was selected by Cycling Scotland to be one of four piiot communities working towards becoming a cycle friendly community
  • sub group well supported with an open meeting held once a month and BK wished to thank members and Mike Dennison of CNP and Sustrans for their support
  • an application has been to submitted to Cycling Scotland to apply for Bronze Cycle Friendly Community award with hopes to progress to silver and gold awards.
  • six members are now Cycling Scotland Ride Leaders and six are Velotech Bicycle Maintenance trained to Silver Standard with regular ride outs and cycle maintenance workshops
  • CFK (Cycle Friendly Kingussie) has an active Facebook page and continues to work on A9 dialling cycle provision, Safe Routes To school, HML Rail Partnership with regard to cycling, Community links, supporting completion of the Speyside Way, High Street Cycle parking, coaching skills and pump track facilities within the community

BK then gave details of a consultation evening with the community on Monday 30th November in the Badenoch Centre to discuss a possible replacement event tin association with Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland to replace the Bikeathon which is now to move to Aberdeen.


DG reported that Cairngorm Nature are organising a walking event in May with a meeting to be held in Aviemore on 7th May at 4pm. DG requested volunteers to attend the meeting to see if the KIngusie Walkfest could be incorporated into this event.

The meeting closed at 20.35

Next Meeting of KCDC: TBA

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