Repairs and improvements 2024

The level of the River Gynack at Kingussie can rise very quickly if there is heavy rain in hills behind. As well as potential flooding, this can result in large amounts of sediment including huge boulders being brought down. Following the damage caused by ex-hurricane Bertha in 2014, Pitmain Estate and Highland council initiated a flood alleviation scheme that could divert water into Loch Gynack to reduce peak flows. This scheme was finally commissioned in mid 2024 and has already improved the output of Kingussie Community Hydro. Once the hydro reaches maximum output any additional water cannot be used. Now after heavy rain showers, the flow is lower but continues for longer and more of the water can be used for generation.

Flood Alleviation channel at Loch Gynack

The damage to the hydro inlet screen caused by boulders has been a continuing problem since 2014. The main effect has been flattening of the curved acceleration plates which results in some of the flow missing the inlet grid. In 2021 two of the six sections of the inlet screen were replaced by new strengthened versions. This allowed the two now spare sections to be repaired and fitted with new acceleration plates. This was done by Davie Cameron the local blacksmith and they were fitted by KCDC volunteers in May this year. The effect can be seen in the two pictures below where the reduction in “spillover” from the central two sections is evident.


Splitter Plate in inlet chamber

While the inlet chamber was open, a “splitter plate” was fitted to stabilise the flow into the inlet pipe. This has improved the generation output in the mid range.

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